Finance / Investment for Expansions, Modernizations and Re-Structurings

International Partnerships/Alliances

We are 'financial engineers'. We typically assist clients achieve closure for their first major international transactions, designing, optimizing, and executing financing alternatives for expansions/modernizations or re-structurings, and/or advising in partnering or M&A negotiations with global firms. From conceptualization to negotiations, closings and disbursements, we provide demonstrable value-added through every phase of the ' project cycle ':

•  reviews of the Project and of financing requirements

•  advice in design and optimization of Financial Plan

•  assistance in preparation of Information Memorandum / Business Plan

•  assistance in financial modeling to support funding of the Project

• solicitation and interface with pre-approved prospective Resource Providers

•  assistance in presentations and follow-up with prospective Resource Providers

•  advice in drafting/negotiation of Term Sheets, Financing & Shareholder Agreements

•  oversight of Resource Providers' due diligence processes and internal approvals

•  liaison, coordination and follow-up, as applicable, with Resource Providers

•  assistance, as applicable, in interface with legal counsel, and tax & accounting firms

•  oversight and monitoring of key components of Financial Plan

•  assistance in closings

'CORFINA typically helps client firms achieve success in their first major international forays. The 'seal of approval' resulting from due diligence of multilateral and commercial lenders, or from financial/strategic investors, enhances their standing in global markets and facilitates their 'graduation' for future access to international sources of finance.'

Placement Agents

CORFINA has advised several Private Equity Funds in the design, structure, and marketing of Private Equity Funds. As Placement Agent, CORFINA has leveraged on fluid relationships in the United States and Europe to solicit prospective resource providers for General and Limited Partnership stakes in emerging market-oriented Private Equity Funds.

Business Development

CORFINA takes-on representation and business development functions for overseas clients wishing to acquire or maintain an 'outsourced', cost-effective U.S. presence. For instance, we maintain a United States presence, and have performed certain business development and representation functions for a respected European services firm for whom CORFINA's Principal is retained as Director.


Financial Engineering Expertise

Discrete, Cost-Effective Execution

Strong Relationships in Industrialized Economies and in Emerging Markets

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